We started this day out with breakfast at the hotel buffet. It was very good!! Lots of interesting things like the buffet at the Inner Mongolia Grand. I may start eating noodles and fried rice for breakfast more often! After that we met with the other Guangdong province Lifeline families and our guides, Aron and Simon. We sorted our paperwork and got a rough rundown of what Gotcha Day would look like. After that we headed out to get some quick lunch at a little Mexican fastfood place which actually had really good burritos. Then we prepared Benjamin's bag and the gifts for his nannies. Next, the three of us huddled together and said a prayer for Benjamin and us before we headed out. We were all set!
We met again in the lobby and then headed over to the Civil Affairs Office. We were told that it would be very crowded that day and sure enough it was! 15 families getting their children all at once. It was a great experience. Within just a few minutes, we along with the two other families that were adopting from the same orphanage were called to step up and receive our children. This part went SO fast! We had Camden videoing and Jim taking pictures. Benjamin came right to me and after cuddling him for a few minutes we went to find a seat. We got out snacks and a sippy cup filled with water and he went to town! He downed the water quickly and then chowed down on snacks. After that we pulled out a few toys and he started smiling and laughing. I couldn't believe it! God really answered our prayers and the prayers of everyone praying with us! Things may change, but for now we are enjoying this time of contentment!
We talked to the lady from his orphanage and she told us that everyone there liked him a lot and that he was the "superstar"! She said he's a good eater, good sleeper and has a good personality. They sent a backpack full of snacks he likes with him and we received a scrapbook of sorts from the Half the Sky program. This is a US program founded by an adoptive mom that trains Chinese volunteers on how to interact with the children to promote bonding. They make these little books complete with pictures and notes every few months. This is such a treasure for us and we are SO glad that we received it! Hurray for Half the Sky!!
Once we got back to the hotel his personality started to come out even more. He started laughing more and shrieking happily and of course still eating snacks, snacks and more snacks and drinking water. He played great with Camden and would even reach for me to pick him up. He'll let Jim hold him, but he's a little more reserved with him. I think maybe he's not so sure about men.
We soon learned though that he likes his shoes and he likes them on! Which is funny because all the pictures of him are with his shoes off. When it was time to take a bath, he didn't mind taking his clothes off, but he didn't want his shoes off, so after his bath, it was back on with the shoes.
We had ordered a pizza from room service, and tried to give Benjamin some, but he was not crazy about it. Camden on the other hand wolfed his down!
When it got time for bed, I tried to walk with him and rock him, but he kept raising up and pointing all over the room. Then he started pointing to the crib, so I laid him down and sat beside the bed and he was out in about 5 minutes. I was a little sad that he didn't want me to hold him while he fell asleep, but I will keep trying. :)
I have more pictures, but am having some trouble getting them off my phone, but for now.... :)