Friday, October 17, 2014

Day 5: Medical appointment and Chinese passport

Today was a long day. We started out by going to a medical appointment for Benjamin. We waited a long time to be seen and several of the kids got antsy - ok parents got antsy too :), but we made the best of it with snacks and toys. There are two other families her with boys about the same age as Camden and that has been such a huge blessing! All the boys hung out together and played, so there was no complaining from that crew. :) Benjamin played with one of the guards for awhile to pass the time. 

Once we all began seeing the various medical stations - ENT, general, nurse and TB test - it began to get hectic. For the TB test they take them into another room and do a blood draw. Several babies cried and even screamed, but not Benjamin. So far we've seen no tears, which may be a sign that he's not completely comfortable with us yet.  He did however keep making a very pitiful face and pointing to where they drew blood. I was sure to make a big deal about it and love on him a lot. 

Later that afternoon we went to the police station to apply for Benjamin's Chinese passport. 

We are continuing to learn more and more about our sweet boy. He does sleep well at night although I can't seem to get him to take a nap, he loves bananas, still likes his shoes on -the ones from the orphanage, he does not like play-dough, he loves cell phones and knows how to swipe, so far he doesn't like many non-Chinese foods - no Mexican, no Subway, no Mickey D's nuggets, no peanut butter, etc. He has the cutest dimples! He is trying to say mama,baba and Camden. He can say bye bye and Mickey (as in Mouse). :)

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